Sumber Djaja Indah adalah toko penjual mesin-mesin jahit segala merk ( JUKI, YAMATA, TYPICAL, BAOYU, ZOJE, CNY, dan lain - lain serta agen tunggal mesin bordir komputer untuk keperluan industri rumah tangga sampai dengan industri besar. Salam, Sumber Djaya Indah
Is a machine that is usually used to make stitches on the edges of clothes or clothing so that the fabric is not easily broken down. The Obras Yarn 4 machine is used so that clothing is more durable and also looks more aesthetic. The Obras Yarn 4 machine is equipped with a fabric cutting knife to make it produce very neat stitches. Obras Thread 4 machine is different from other types of obras machines. The Obras Yarn 4 machine is not just tidying up the stitches, the type of obras machine which is also often referred to as the shirt obras machine, serves to sew the edges of the shirt.
Product Details :
A thread serger, or serger, is a very important tool in the world of sewing. Known for its ability to sew the edges of fabric neatly and provide professional sewing results, overlock machines have become loyal friends for tailors, from beginners to experts.
A thread overlock, or overlock, is a special sewing machine designed to sew the edges of fabric, preventing the fabric from knitting or peeling. This machine is capable of sewing, cutting and packing fabric edges simultaneously, producing neat and professional stitches. Overlock machines generally use 3 to 5 threads, which allows the user to create strong and long-lasting stitches.
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